Native American Flute & Relaxing Music

You HAVE To Listen To This Relaxing Music

I promise that you have not heard relaxing sounds played by artists the way Ancient Echoes does. They combine natural fluid sounds played by instruments, such as the Digeridoo, in order to make powerful and emotional songs that can set you in a relaxed state. For more information about Relaxing Music visit

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How Old Is The Didgeridoo?

This instrument was developed by Indigenous Australians around 1,500 years ago. It is still in widespread use in modern day Australia and around the world. Musicologists see this as a brass aerophone. There are no reliable sources that state the exact age of this amazing wind-blown instrument. Incorporate its wonderful relaxing melodies into your daily schedule. For more information on the...

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Didgeridoo Facts

When a termite hollows the center of this magnificent instrument , hundreds of channels and irregular tunnels are made. This is what alters the sound and makes each one unique. These irregularities give the instrument a full and warm multi-layered sound. Some say this uniqueness represents the spirit of Australia. For more information on the Didgeridoo check out...

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The Didgeridoo Is Great For Relaxing

  This large instrument produces a unique and calming sound. It’s music can be used to meditate or relax to. Any tune can help you relax and lift the day off your shoulders, the genre preference is all your own. Relax and let your mind rest to the beautiful sound of it’s melody. For more information on the Didgeridoo check out...

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Meditation Tunes With The Didgeridoo

  Listening to music while meditating is a very new concept. In many ways it can help you focus and maintain a calm environment. When you listen to a smooth song your body can rest its mind and get lost in the music. Maintaining this sort of focus while meditating is made easier with a soft tune. For more information on the Didgeridoo and the benefits of its music visit...

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The Tambin Flute

The Tambin come in several different keys from E, up to Bb. However, the most common found ones are; F, F#, G, Ab and A. They make a complete diatonic scale, starting from the lowest note of the second register ( the 3rd of the scale) and finally going up to the sixth register of the scale. These flutes are usually constructed from a conical vine found in the forests of Guinea, the largest end...

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Playing The Didgeridoo

The Didgeridoo is played with continuously vibrating lips to produce the drone, while also using a special breathing technique known as circular breathing. This technique requires you to breathe in through your nose while simultaneously expelling stored air out of your mouth using both your tongue and cheeks. When using this technique, a skilled player can replenish the air in their lungs. With...

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Didgeridoo Facts

The didgeridoo is a wind instrument that was developed by indigenous Australians in Northern Australia around 1,500 years ago. This instrument is still widely spread around both Australia and the world. Often described as the natural wooden trumpet. Musicologists identify the didgeridoo as a brass aerophone. There have been no reliable answers to the didgeridoos exact age adding a mystical feel...

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Healing Music & Native American Flute

Sit back and relax. Get comfortable. Now close your eyes and enjoy pure, relaxing and healing music. Choose the type of music that assists you to connect yourself physically and spiritually. Your body will feel the serene sounds of the Native American flute and respond in positive ways as you enter into a deeper state of meditation and relaxation. Music has been used in spiritual, meditation and...

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Earth ~ Sea ~ Air

“Earth ~ Sea ~ Air” A Sensory Meditation experience featuring Humpback Whales, Didgeridoo, Djembe and Native American Flute.

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