Healing Music & Native American Flute
Sit back and relax. Get comfortable. Now close your eyes and enjoy pure, relaxing and healing music. Choose the type of music that assists you to connect yourself physically and spiritually. Your body will feel the serene sounds of the Native American flute and respond in positive ways as you enter into a deeper state of meditation and relaxation.
Music has been used in spiritual, meditation and healing practices for many thousands of years by virtually every culture and civilization on our planet. In nearly every culture that has ever existed, the power of music has been amplified by group participation in music, rhythm, and dance.
Scientific research shows that the vibrations and frequencies of Humpback whale songs influence our physiological and emotional well being. They have long been used as a healing meditative sound. This is why Ancient Echoes combines Humpback songs with the Aboriginal wood instrument, the didgeridoo and the Native American wood Instrument, the Native American Flute in their first CD, Earth Air Sea.
Music, meditation, movement, and dance, affect our whole being, physically, emotionally and spiritually in profound and tangible ways. Listen to spiritual Native American Flute healing music, and discover other resources for healing and growth. It is our prayer that our healing music helps you listen to the Native American Flute at Ancient Echoes LLC.